IoT Device Implementation Guide

Reduce active connection time

Last Updated: June 27th, 2024

Besides reducing the frequency and size of data to transfer, reducing the time it takes to transfer that data is equally important.

Though it may seem counterintuitive, sometimes a faster and more power-hungry connectivity technology such as LTE may actually be more power-efficient than a power-efficient but slower technology, since the IoT Device will be able to finish transmitting the data more quickly and return to a power saving state sooner.

Of course, this implies that there is a break-even point across frequency, size, and duration. As data size decreases, IoT Devices may stand to benefit from more power-efficient technologies such as LTE-M and NB-IoT.

On the other hand, if data is transferred frequently, features such as eDRX and PSM may not be as effective, and increasing the data size to reduce transmission frequency may favor faster technologies.

Conducting a variety of power consumption tests is vital to selecting the most optimal combination of transmission frequency, data size, and connection duration.

Next Chapter
Select appropriate protocols
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